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With WooCommerce Visibility plugin you can decide which products will be visible site-wide for each user role.
Minimum requirements
- PHP 5.4
- WordPress 4.4
- WooCommerce 2.3
- JavaScript / jQuery
- Hide or show specific products for each user role
- Hide or show products based on tag for each user role
- Hide or show products based on category for each user role
- Hide or show products based on attributes (eg. color, size, etc.) for each user role
- Hide or show products based on custom taxonomies (eg. brands) for each user role
- Combine product, tag or category rules for each user role
- Hide products, categories and tags both at the same time for particular role
- Hide products, categories and tags from menus, widgets and cart
- Hide or show payment methods for each user role
- Hide or show shipping methods for each user role
- Compatible with custom user roles
- Compatible with multiple user roles
- Show products through direct URL option
- Default logged user role for bulk actions
- Reset all rules button
- Toggle role visibility on backend to avoid clutter
- Quick-view which user roles have visibility rules at a glance
- Object Oriented Code
- WPML Compatible
- Multilingual Ready: .pot file included, for easy translation (RU, UA contributed by users)
There are two primary methods for installing any WordPress plugin.
Install with a zip file
From your WordPress dashboard, choose
Plugins > Add New
from the set of links at the top of the page (the second link) -
From here, browse for the zip file included in your plugin purchase titled and click the
Install Now
button -
Once installation is complete, click
Activate Plugin
to activate it and enable its features.
Install by FTP Manager
If you are have no previous web experience and have no idea what an FTP Manager is, then this option is not for you.
- Access your host through the FTP manager
- Access the plugins directory of your WordPress install
/(WordPress directory)/wp-content/plugins/
If WordPress is installed on the root folder the directory is
- Find the directory titled and upload it and all files within to the directory from the previous step.
- From your WordPress dashboard, choose
Plugins > Installed Plugins
- Locate the newly added plugin and click on the
link to enable its features.
Quick Start Guide
Step 1
Activate the plugin and click the WooCommerce > Settings > Visibility
In this page you can select the visibility mode or modes you want to enable.

Let's say that we want to hide some products for specific user roles. First, we have to set the mode on, so that we can set our rules. To do so, set the Enable Products Visibility
switch to on and click Save changes
on the bottom.

To go the rules' settings page, click the Products Visibility

Step 2
Next, click any of the user roles to start adding rules.
The last role, guest, refers to all users that are not logged in.
If you want to add more user roles, you can download, install and activate the User Role Editor plugin.

Step 3
By clicking the role, a sub-part will unfold. You can now add your desired rules to the selected user role.
You can see 4 sections for each user role: products, tags, categories and custom taxonomies.
- In the products section, you can select which products will be visible or hidden for the select role.
- In the tags section, you can select which products will be visible or hidden for the select role, based on their tag.
- In the categories section, you can select which products will be visible or hidden for the select role, based on their category.
- In the custom taxonomies section, you can select which products will be visible or hidden for the select role, based on their custom taxonomy. Which may be a brand or a product attribute (like color, size, etc.)
You can also simultaneously combine rules. In that case, bear in mind that:
- The 1st rule that refers to the products, has top priority. This means that it will override the 2 consequent rules (tag and categories).
- The 2nd rule that refers to the tags, has a lower priority and will override the categories and custom taxonomies rule.
- The 3rd rule that refers to the categories, has a lower priority and will override the custom taxonomies rule.
- The 4th rule has the lowest priority.
For more examples, you can see the manual section Use Cases.
Step 4
After having selected the desired rules for each user role, press Save Changes at the bottom to apply changes.
For your convenience, user roles that have at least one rule active, will be highlighted. This way, you can quick-view which user roles have visibility rules at a glance!

Step 5
You can now go to your front-end, logged in as the desired user to confirm that you have applied the correct rules.
The Default Logged User
The Default Logged User role is a helper role that helps you add bulk rules to the logged-in roles. This means that if you add a rule to this role, all the other roles (eg. administrator, editor, shop manager, etc.), except for guest, will inherit these rules.

The Cancel Hide radio button
When you add a rule to the default user role, a new radio button will appear for all the other roles (except for guest): the cancel hide button. By using this button, you can cancel some of the rules that you may have added in the default user role for the desired roles.
The cancel hide button will show, only if you have set a rule to the default user role.
A practical example
For example, let's say that you want to hide a specific category, let's say albums, from all users (logged and guests). But at the same time, you want to show this category to a specific role, let's the say wholesale role.
To do so you can follow these easy steps:
- Hide the albums category for the default logged users.
- Hide the albums category for guest users.
- Cancel hide the albums category for the wholesale users.
The Reset Button
If you want to erase all your rules simultaneously, you can press the reset button on the bottom right corner. Since this action is irreversible, a confirmation box will appear and ask you to verify your action. The reset action also remove all the role priorities to their default values (50).

Use Cases
For demonstration purposes, let's say that we want to add some visibility rules for guest users and that we have the following 6 products with their corresponding tags and categories:
Product | Tag | Category |
Trouser 1 | Winter | Trousers |
Trouser 2 | Summer | Trousers |
Shoe 1 | Spring | Shoes |
Shoe 2 | Winter | Shoes |
Dress 1 | Summer | Dresses |
Dress 2 | Spring | Dresses |
For each case, you will see:
- An image preview of the backend settings to achieve the case's desired result.
- A table that describes which of the products will be visible and which not.
Case 1:
Hide dresses category

Product | Tag | Category | Visible |
Trouser 1 | Winter | Trousers | True |
Trouser 2 | Summer | Trousers | True |
Shoe 1 | Spring | Shoes | True |
Shoe 2 | Winter | Shoes | True |
Dress 1 | Summer | Dresses | False |
Dress 2 | Spring | Dresses | False |
Case 2:
Show only winter tag

Product | Tag | Category | Visible |
Trouser 1 | Winter | Trousers | True |
Trouser 2 | Summer | Trousers | False |
Shoe 1 | Spring | Shoes | False |
Shoe 2 | Winter | Shoes | True |
Dress 1 | Summer | Dresses | False |
Dress 2 | Spring | Dresses | False |
Case 3:
Hide all products from category shoes, except for shoe 1

Product | Tag | Category | Visible |
Trouser 1 | Winter | Trousers | True |
Trouser 2 | Summer | Trousers | True |
Shoe 1 | Spring | Shoes | True |
Shoe 2 | Winter | Shoes | False |
Dress 1 | Summer | Dresses | True |
Dress 2 | Spring | Dresses | True |
Case 4:
Show only shoes and dresses, except for shoe 1 and products that have summer tag

Product | Tag | Category | Visible |
Trouser 1 | Winter | Trousers | False |
Trouser 2 | Summer | Trousers | False |
Shoe 1 | Spring | Shoes | False |
Shoe 2 | Winter | Shoes | True |
Dress 1 | Summer | Dresses | False |
Dress 2 | Spring | Dresses | True |
Case 5:
Hide summer tag and trousers category, but show dress 1 and trouser 2

Product | Tag | Category | Visible |
Trouser 1 | Winter | Trousers | False |
Trouser 2 | Summer | Trousers | True |
Shoe 1 | Spring | Shoes | True |
Shoe 2 | Winter | Shoes | True |
Dress 1 | Summer | Dresses | True |
Dress 2 | Spring | Dresses | True |
General Settings
Our plugin is so intuitive that you can select between 4 modes:
- Hide products and taxonomies
- Hide prices and add to cart button
- Hide payment methods
- Hide shipping methods

If you enable a mode and Save Changes, a new tab will be created where you can add your rules.
Below, you can see an example where we have activated only the payment and shipping method.

Products/Taxonomies Settings
These settings will only show if you select the Hide products and taxonomies mode. Don't forget to click the Save changes
button, after having made the desired changes.

Show Products Through Direct URL
If for some reason, want to hide your products, but be able to send a direct url to your users, in order for them to see the hidden products, just enable this option.
Show Archive Through Direct URL
If for some reason, want to hide your categories or taxonomies, but be able to send a direct url to your users, in order for them to see the hidden categories or taxonomies, just enable this option.
Apply rules on menus
By default, our plugin hides products, categories and taxonomies from your menus. If you want to show them instead, you can disable this option.
Hide empty categories/tags/taxonomies
Let's say that you have a product that has a tag "test" on it. And let's say that this tag, only belongs to this product. If you hide this product, the tag will be empty (since no other products have this tag), which means that, by default, the tag will be hidden too. This goes the same for all other entities (like categories, taxonomies, etc.). If you want to show these other entities, you can disable this option.
Change Categories Product Count
In your site, you may have product counting in various places (eg. widgets). Take for example the following picture. You see product counts at two places: a widget and the archive.

In order for the counting to be correct after hiding some products, you must set this option to on. Only set it to on, if you have counting anywhere at your site. If not, set it to off, to improve performance. In the following example, we hide just one product. You see that the counting is updated.

Prices/Add to Cart Settings
These settings will only show if you select the Hide prices and add to cart button mode. Don't forget to click the Save changes
button, after having made the desired changes.

Hide price
Enable if you want to hide prices on your site.
Hide Add to cart button
Enable if you want to hide add to cart buttons on your site.
Hide sales price
Enable if you want to hide sale prices on your site.
Payment Methods Settings
If you want to hide payment methods by user role, you can set the Enable Payment Methods Visibility switch to on and click Save changes on the bottom.
To go the rules' settings page, click the Payment Methods Visibility button.

Shipping Methods Settings
If you want to hide shiping methods by user role, you can set the Enable Shipping Methods Visibility switch to on and click Save changes on the bottom.
To go the rules' settings page, click the Shipping Methods Visibility button.

Advanced Settings
Multiple Roles per User Compatibility
The plugin is compatible with multiple roles per user.
If you want to add multiple user roles per user, you can download, install and activate the Multiple Roles plugin.
To enable the multiple roles compatibility, just tick the enable radio button and press Save changes.
The Role Priority field
When you enable the multiple roles compatibility, then a new field will appear for each role: the Role Priority field.
The Role Priority field is an integer number (1 or greater) that indicates which role rules will be applied first. Bear in mind, that the default logged user has a top priority of -1.
To understand role priorities, let's say that a user has 2 different roles at the same time: the editor and the author. If the editor role has a default priority of 50 and the author role a priority of 51, this means that the editor rules will be applied first.
The Role Priority field will show, only if you have enabled the Multiple User Roles Compatibility.
A practical example
Let's say that you add the following rules:
- Hide posters for editors
- Hide albums for customers
The result will be the following:
- The editors will not see the posters
- The customers will not see the albums
- Users that have the editor and customer role at the same time, will not see the posters and the albums
The Cancel Hide Radio Button
If you add multiple roles to at least one user, then a new radio button will appear for each role: the Cancel hide button.
You can use the cancel hide rule to reset a hide rule that belongs to a higher priority role.
In order to use the cancel hide button, the user role to which you will apply it must have a higher number (lower priority) than the role to which you have set the hide rule.
A practical example
For example, let's say that you have a user that has 2 user roles at the same time, the editor and the customer. In order to hide all posters from editors, but show it for customers you can do follow these steps:
- Hide the albums category for editors.
- Set a 51 priority for customers (the editors have a default 50 priority).
- Cancel hide the albums category for customers.
Cancel Hide and Show combination
When you add a show rule to a product, tag or category, it helps if you interpret this rule as a hide all others rule. For example, if you have 4 products, and you add a show rule for products 1 and for, this means that the other products, 3 and 4, will be hidden.
A practical example
Let's say that you add the following rules:
- Show only products 1 and 2 for editors with a role priority of 50
- Cancel hide product 3 for customers with a role priority of 51
The result will be the following:
- The editors will see products 1 and 2 (since all other products will be hidden)
- Users that have the editor and customer role at the same time, will see products 1, 2 and 3
WPML Compatibility
The plugin is WPML compatible. This means, that every rule that you create will also apply for the available translations.
The plugin's backend options are only available for the site's default language.
Make sure that all of your products, tags and categories on your default language, have been translated.
11.01.2021 version 4.6
- Fix - Compatibility with Wordpress 5.6
- Fix - Bug fix for hide prices for variable products
06.11.2020 version 4.5
- Fix - Bug fix for hide add to cart button for variable products
23.09.2020 version 4.4
- Fix - Bug fix for Show Archive Through Direct URL option
10.08.2020 version 4.3
- Fix - Remove PHP notice
20.06.2020 version 4.2
- Fix - Make plugin compatible with upsell products
11.05.2020 version 4.1
- Fix - Do not remove tags when showing only one category (with hide only selected)
21.04.2020 version 4.0
- Add - Option to hide payment methods per user role
- Add - Option to hide shipping methods per user role
- Add - Add different rules to all 4 modes (products, prices, payment, shipping) at the same time
- Add - Change Categories Product Count option for product hiding
26.01.2020 version 3.8
- Fix - Hide price fix
22.01.2020 version 3.7
- Fix - Backend select for variations fix for new order
22.08.2019 version 3.6
- Fix - Show archive through direct URL fix
19.07.2019 version 3.5
- Add - Filter for product attributes
20.06.2019 version 3.4
- Fix - Bug with empty categories or tags that are contained inside rules
14.05.2019 version 3.3
- Fix - Hide variation add to cart button
29.01.2019 version 3.2
- Add - Helper filters
23.11.2018 version 3.1
- Add - General settings page
- Add - Hide prices and add to cart button mode
- Add - Hide price option
- Add - Hide add to cart button option
- Add - Hide sales price option
- Add - Enable rules on cron jobs option
- Add - Apply rules on menus option
- Add - Hide empty categories/tags/taxonomies option
17.11.2018 version 3.0
- Add - Compatibility with custom taxonomies (eg. brands, attributes, etc.)
28.09.2018 version 2.13
- Fix - Minor fixes
25.07.2018 version 2.12
- Fix - WooCommerce related products fix
18.07.2018 version 2.11
- Add - Helper filter
13.06.2018 version 2.10
- Fix - YOAST SEO plugin sitemap exclude hidden products
06.06.2018 version 2.9
- Fix - Apply change count for categories only if get_terms does not include products
- Fix - If Show products through direct URL is enable, do not remove hidden products from cart
17.05.2018 version 2.8
- Fix - Compatibility fix with WOOF product filter ajax
27.04.2018 version 2.7
- Add - Multiple user role wcpv_mur_intersect_include filter
20.02.2018 version 2.6
- Add - General helper filters
02.02.2018 version 2.5
- Add - Helper filter for multi-category products
02.09.2017 version 2.4
- Add - Show products through direct URL option
14.05.2017 version 2.3
- Fix - Relevanssi search plugin compatibility fix
- Fix - Live ajax search fix
20.04.2017 version 2.2
- Fix - Performance optimization
01.04.2017 version 2.1
- Add - Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0
01.03.2017 version 2.0
- Add - Multiple user roles per user compatibility
- Add - Default logged user role added for bulk actions
- Add - Hide hidden products from cart
- Add - Reset all rules button
- Fix - Performance optimization
- Language - Fix Russian and Ukrainian translations
24.01.2017 version 1.4
- Fix - Do not hide irrelevant products from menus and widgets
- Fix - Performance optimization
13.01.2017 version 1.3
- Add - Hide hidden products from menus
- Fix - Do not hide post categories
12.01.2017 version 1.2
- Add - Hide hidden categories and tags from menus
- Add - Hide hidden categories from WooCommerce Product Categories widget
- Add - Fix categories counting in WooCommerce Product Categories widget
- Add - Hide hidden tags from Product Tags widget
- Language - Plugin localization
- Language - Add Russian and Ukrainian translations
29.12.2016 version 1.1
- Fix - WPML problem with categories and tags
26.10.2016 version 1.0
- Initial release